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Saltdean Bowling Club
Founded 9th January 1971 by Major H F K T Harrison.
The Council laid the green ready for the 1972 season, which opened with 117 members.
The Pavilion was completed at the same time and is shared by Saltdean Bowling Club and Saltdean Tennis Club.
The Green was formally opened by MP Andrew Bowden on May 13th 1972.
The club is affiliated to Bowls England and Sussex County Bowls.
We are a community-based club offering coaching and informal bowling sessions for beginners, as well as friendly, competitive, inter-club matches for the more adventurous.
Club Drives
As well as roll ups on Tuesday or Saturday at 10.00 am, there are several club drives throughout the season. These are for club members only and provide a fun way of getting some competitive experience.
Internal club competitions are open to all members. Details are available in the club house at the start of each season.
The club also enters teams in external competitions. Information about these can be found on the LEAGUES page of this website.
Friendly matches are played against other clubs throughout the season. All members are encouraged to play as much as possible. Details of each match are posted in the club house where you can sign up if you are available to play.
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