2023 Season's Gallery
Club Drive Social
Saturday 30th September
The last event of the year, organised by our Competitions Officer.
This year we played in two teams headed up by the Ladies' and Men's Singles Champions
Team Andi against Team Damien

The winners....
Team Andi Well done everyone!
President's Day
Saturday 23rd September
A fun afternoon of bowling ...

... followed by tea and cakes.
And a few words from Geoff, our President.

Finals Weekend
Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd September
Six good matches watched by an enthusiastic crowd.
President Geoff Bishop presented five of the trophies.
This year the Ladies' Singles competition was held for the first time since 2006, when it was won by Valerie Barton.
Val presented the new Valerie Barton Trophy to the winner.
President's Shield
Paul Garland vs John Mills
Congratulations Paul

Verdon King Trophy
Mike Wright vs Phil Goodwin
Congratulations Phil

Club Pairs
Sheila Darling and Richard Denne
Brian Wheeler and Julien Ball
Well done Sheila and Richard

Men's Singles
Damien Girdler vs Jim Pearson
Congratulations Damien

Club Singles
Damien Girdler vs Alan Hood
Congratulations Damien

Ladies' Singles
Helen Dawson vs Andi Pearson
Congratulations Andi

And finally...
Well done Paul and John, this could be the best head played on the green this year.
Happy Birthday to our President!
Geoff, our president, celebrated his 90th birthday this August and we surprised him with a birthday "do".

After the speeches, the food and drink, everyone enjoyed the very special cake made for the occasion by Jilly

19th August
Two Wood Singles Competition
24 players started the competion in the morning, whittled down to these four semi-finalists.

John Jonas & Damien Girdler

Ian Robertson and Allan Gray

Allan & Damien went through to the finals while the rest of us sat in the shade to watch.
Our President, Geoff Bishop presented the trophy to the winner.
Well done Damien.

15th July Captain vs Vice Captain
The Annual Competition between teams lead by
our Captain, Ray Chitty and Vice-Captain, Madi Bailey.
18 Ends, Tea at 10 ends, thanks to Val Chitty for the delicious cakes.

And the winners were:
The Vice-Captain's Team.
Well done!
8th July Club Triples
Playing for the Cyril Marchant Trophy
Cyril Marchant played at Saltdean Bowling Club in the 1970s and 80s.
The Trophy was provided by his family in 1988, requesting that it should be for a Triples competition as that was Cyril's favourite format.
On its 35th anniversary we were thrilled that Cyril's daughter Audrey agreed to present the cup this year.

There was a good turnout with 33 players making up eleven teams.
Thanks to Damien for organising the day and John and Mavis Jonas for running the bar and making delicious Sangria for the spectators of the finals in the afternoon.
The finalists
Damien, Jane and Roy played Brian, Chris and Terry
Captain Ray Chitty introduced Audrey.

And the winners were
Damien, Jane and Roy

26th June Alec Grisbrook Trophy
Alec Grisbrook was a member of Saltdean Bowling Club for many years.
He died in May 2009 after collapsing during a league match.
This pairs competition was introduced in his memory.
Thanks to Damien our Competitions Secretary for organising the day and
John Jonas, Facilities Manager for organising Pimms and Ice cream on a hot Saturday afternoon for the spectators.

David Lee & Madi Bailey
Andi Pearson & Phil Goodwin
Val Barton & Graham Roberts
Paul Garland & Mary Collins
Andi & Phil, Paul & Mary got through to the finals.

The winners were Phil & Andi.
Club Chairman, Alan Hood, presented the trophy.
10th June Jack Hudson Trophy

Our annual yardstick competition, open to all members, was well supported this year.
Thanks to Damien our Competitions Secretary for organising the day.

In the Semi finals Sheila Darling played Madi Bailey and Damien Girdler played Paul Garland

Sheila and Paul went through to the finals, and the winner was Paul.
Club Chairman, Alan Hood, presented the trophy.
22nd April Opening the Green