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2022 Season's Gallery

Saturday 1st October
President's Day

Last fixture of the 2022 Season.

A day of fun, cakes and tea and lots of chatter.


Thanks to our president

Geoff Bishop 


Saturday 24th September
Nicholas Soames Trophy Finals

Saltdean A Squad: Sheila, Alan, Val, Roy, Debbie, Peter, Jilly, Damien and Paul made it to the finals of the 2022 Nicholas Soames League.

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The finals team:

Sheila and Alan

Val and Damien

Debbie and Peter played Henfield

at Haywards Heath and Beech Hurst BC.


And Won


The Trophy was presented to

to Sheila Darling, Team Captain, by Katy Bourne, Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner.


Well done everyone!

Sunday 18th September
Final's Day

Four good matches, thanks to all the competitors, and to our President, Geoff Bishop who presented the trophies and match medals.

Club Singles: Sheila Darling vs John Jonas

Congratulations John

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Club Pairs: Damien Girdler/John Mills vs Mark Llewellyn/ David Lee

Congratulations Damien and John

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President's Cup: Paul Garland vs John Jonas

Congratulions Paul

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Men's Single:  Roy Howcutt vs Damien Girdler

Congratulations Damien

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Saturday 17th September
The Football Cup Final

The Football Cup competition, new to SBC this year, was organised by Ray Chitty. 

After the knockout rounds Norwich played Southampton in the final, which was a close match.


Thanks to David Holmes, who donated the new cup and to Ray for his work in bringing a new competition to the club.

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Congratulations to Norwich (Alan Hood, Debbie Clements and Peter Rush) on their 1 - 0 win.

Well played Southampton (Brian Wheeler, Roy Howcutt and Helen Dawson). 

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Saturday 3rd September
Captain's Day

Thanks to Captain Val and her helpers for a lovely day with lots of food, chat and some bowling.


Sunday 4th September
Verdon King 


Fifteen members played in the competition this year. 

The winner was Maria Norris, runner-up was Anne Turton.


Saturday 20th July
Triples Day

Congratulations Sheila, Peter and Mark

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Saturday 16th July 
50th Anniversary Two Wood Cup

Congratulations to Ian on his win.

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Saturday 9th July - Alec Grisbrook Trophy

This Australian Pairs Competition is open to all club members. 

12 pairs competed for a place in the final. The finalists were Alan and Jilly vs Damien and Dani...  the rest of us sat in the shade and enjoyed their game.


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It was a close match ending 9-8 to Damien and Dani.

The trophy and medals were presented by  David Holmes.
Many thanks to David for organising the event. 
Saturday 11th June   Jack Hudson Trophy

Our annual Yardstick Competition, open to all members.

Semi-finalists were Ian and Sheila, Paul and John 

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Both matches were close - finalists were John and Sheila.

Congratulations to John, the winner. 
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Saturday 21st May   Captain vs Vice Captain
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Captain Val Barton and Vice Captain Ray Chitty host the Annual Competition. 

Winners were the Vice Captain's Team - well done!

7th May  Earls Barton Tour Visiting Team 
April 22  Opening the Green
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